
G Suite Add-ons, Solutions and Services

Together with G Suite, we provide various add-ons, solutions and services to bring more value to the platform and open new possibilities to work smarter.

Here are our most recommended and sought for.

Can’t find what you need? Contact Us!


Miadria Tools


Our proprietary application for our clients.


Our application makes administration of G Suite easy. Intuitive, user-friendly and responsive framework.

Message Encryption


Encrypt your messages for safe communication.


Provide encrypted email communication for G Suite users communicating outside Google’s secure network to all other email recipients.

Shared Contacts

Shared Contacts

Share your Gmail Contacts with any Gmail or Google Apps users.

Shared Contacts

Shared Contacts for Gmail is the simplest solution for sharing your contact groups with any Gmail or G Suite user, just like you share a Google Doc or Calendar.

Chrome for Work

Chrome for Work

Modern devices and browser. Fast, Simple, Secure.

Chrome for Work

Deploy and manage browser and devices in your organization – PCs, kiosks, digital signage, AV conferencing.


Document Management

Document Management

Organize corporate documents and workflows.

Document Management

The power of Enterprise Document Management with the ease of use of Google Drive. Protect, secure, automate, migrate.

Corporate intranet and social collab’

Enterprise communication

Easy communication across the company.

Enterprise communication

Universe brings all of your information and communication neatly into one place – making it easy to view, follow and collaborate.


Project Management

Share your online projects to collaborate with your teams and clients.


Online task management. Time recording & tracking. Project & budget monitoring.

Diagramming and Design

Diagramming and Design

Diagrams and schemes with ease.


Beautiful, easy and built for teams. Flowcharts, UML, UI mockups and more.

Cloud Security, Compliance and Governance


Protect any app on any device.


Enable responsible adoption of cloud apps, while ensuring security, compliance and governance of any cloud application on any device by any user.

Mobility Management

Mobility Management

Employ your smartphone.

Mobility Management

Securely employ mobile devices and apps as perfect business tools.

Cloud-based Networking

Cloud-based Networking

Cloud controlled WiFi, routing and security.

Cloud-based Networking

Deploy corporate network in no time and manage it from anywhere using advanced control options.


Cloud Readiness Assessment

Cloud Readiness

Helping you move to the cloud.

Cloud Readiness

We will deepscan how your business operates on a daily basis and suggest the best way for you to move towards the cloud.

Implementation and Integration

Implementation and Integration

Certified for deploying Google Apps.

Implementation and Integration

Once you are ready to take off, we will be with you using best practices tailored to your needs to deploy Apps and integrate with your other systems.

Change Management

Change Management

Change done the right way.

Change Management

We understand change can be hard. We make sure that benefits of new solution brings many smiley faces.

Licence Optimization & Apps Adoption Mgt

Licence Optimization

Pay for what you really use.

Licence Optimization

Monitor usage, optimize licensing costs and be compliant.



Supporting YOUR business.


No one was born smart. That’s why we continually invest in expertize to support our customers.

Business Process Transformation

Business Transformation

Become more profitable.

Business Transformation

We use technology to transform your business and make it  more successful.